Rating: 5/5
I LOVED this book. I think it’s a very interesting twist on a story that’s been written repeatedly over the past couple years. It’s funny because it starts off with a specific vibe and then it ends up in a completely different place. But all the decisions that the characters made to get to that end destination made sense to me.
I think the Quicksilver (and alchemist stuff) was a really valuable addition to the book and added something new to it that I haven’t seen before.
Certain things I predicted about the book, but when they came to fruition it still shocked me and made me step back and close the book as I processed it. And I am so grateful for that feeling because sometimes when you can predict plot points, they just don’t hit as hard and they don’t have as much of an impact. But somehow, even though I knew it was coming, I was still shocked and cackling and feeling all of the emotions.
I liked all the side characters and I liked that even though it does have found family, they’re not really found family yet. Like I like the fact that these characters are getting closer, but I feel like it’ll take until the next book really for them to feel as close as a real family. That being said I really did like all of the side characters and I liked that they all had their own personalities, especially Carrion, Lorreth and Ren I found I really enjoyed their time.
One thing I do dislike about this book is the fact that Saeris makes all of her decisions based on her brother, and I feel like that was never really justified or looked into. Like I liked that the author never forgot about her brother for a long time like that was her main motivation, but I do feel like if you’re gonna make so many of the characters decisions based on her brother that you need to justify her love for her brother because I met him once as a reader and I just found him annoying and useless so I never really understood why she made certain decisions and sacrifices for her brother.
I also wish that more of Kingfisher’s powers were explored in this book because like I know what kind of magic he has, but where are his limits? Where does it come from things like that? We’re kind of left unanswered.
I really liked the ending because I had no clue where it was going. It kind of reminded me of ACOTAR where the ending kind of felt like it took a 360 but the whole book had been building up to this. Whereas in ACOTAR it was more jarring because it felt like it came out of nowhere. I was surprised at the ending, and I was gripping my book with a death grip because I had no clue what was gonna happen next.
Overall I really enjoyed this book and definitely recommend it to people who like a trope-y book with fae and magic and the most tortured love interest to ever do it.
